Sunday, December 04, 2005

back to the blog

haven't blogged in a few, me and the fam got sick last week, figured i would have plenty of time to write, but instead i retreated to a steady diet of alka seltzer cold medicine martinis and sleeping. Ryan got better Friday, i felt better yesterday and amy today.

I have a thing for undersestimating distances, today i thought it would be cool to ride out to Jeff and Charlene's in G-town then ride with them for 25 and come back. I fiigured it would be 65 tops so i started beating myself up on the way home for feeling flat. Since i'm generally cyclocomputer-less, when i got home i did the math on the Gmap Pedometer, and turns out i did 88 on a granola bar and a banana. Flat was ok.

In other news, i've learned an important lesson about fatherhood. It means watching a LOT of football with your son. I've never been one to watch any football really, but both Saturday and Sunday, Ryan and i caught the better part of 3 different games. It's all making sense now.


Anonymous said...

Super Dave-
Enjoyed the ride...I ended up with 78 for the day. You should have made the trip back to G-town and you would have had a cool 100! must have rode the long leg of the loop at least one way, if not both to get those miles...SICK, VERY SICK!

David Alexander said...

i gotta ride 88 sounds lame

i thought i was riding 65 and i rode 88 sounds so much nicer

it was a good time, had visions of banana nut bread dancing in my head though, i gotta admit